Category: Blog

Is your Shower Kidsafe and Water-Wise?
KidSafe and Therm-Oz Thermostatic Showers combine forces to promote bathroom safety Most of us follow a routine before we put one toe under the shower:

Assistive Living
Assistive Technology isn’t a Luxury, it’s a Necessity.
ThermOz’s thermostatic mixer kits ensure a consistently safe water temperature and uninterrupted operation even when other appliances in the property are using water at the

Award Winner! Therm-Oz takes out top spot in 2022 GHP Innovative Awards
Therm-Oz Thermostatic Showers are proud to announce they were awarded a Finalist position for Assistive Care Product of the Year 2022 in the GHP Safety Innovation Awards!

Assistive Living
Finalist Award! Therm-Oz recognised for 2018 HIA Industry & Product Award
Therm-Oz were delighted to be recognised with a finalist position in the Housing Industry Association’s Industry & Product Awards for 2018. The thermostatic shower valve